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Awesome Introductory Ukulele 2020-03-03 18:13:19

At 31 years old I had never played an instrument. Then along came Steven Universe and some darn catchy ukulele songs and I thought "Hey that looks fun and the ukulele seems like a really friendly instrument. Lets do this"almost every day since purchase and it sounds great. It holds tuning well it has a bright happy sound and it never fails to cheer me up. Ill play some days for an hour or two at a time learning new songs or chords. Its a lovely ukulele for a beginner and so far has been very durable even for my rather boisterous strumming style. Ive flown with it a few times stowed under my seat in a light case and its done great not a dent or a chip anywhere and no issues with the strings it came with.